Monday, March 24, 2014

{Life Update} The one with the new season.

Its been awhile. I have a bazillion excuses why I haven't blogged... one because the destruction of my laptop. It was getting really slow and was really really old so we pulled out my desktop from college (it was majorly virus infected), pulled all the important stuff off it and reformatted it and it works now! So I have blogging capabilities. Anyway... onto the life update. God always makes it really apparent to me when we are transitioning into a new season. My desire for some massive changes in our home has really clued me in. We have the opportunity to send our boys to their grandparents house for three days so that we can do a deep purge of our home and minimize majorly. We have also started Dave Ramsey's baby steps. We had step 1 complete and then washer went out this morning, so we have to go back and re-add to the emergency fund depending on how much it costs to fix the silly thing. I am grateful the money is there! I stopped pumping exclusively. This is still a bit tender for me, but I don't regret the decision to discontinue. I'm so blessed I had the ability to provide both my boys breastmilk almost exclusively (ben had formula for 3 days as a newborn)for 6 months. Meaning I pumped 14 months for both boys and I'm proud of myself for getting there. Noah adjusted to formula and solids beautifully, just as Ben did and I'm grateful for the convenience and my newfound freedom from hanging with the pump 6-8 times a day. All parenting aside, my weight loss has been slow. I'm still hanging between the 35-40 mark. Weaning from the pump was stressful and during that 2 weeks I gained some, which is to be expected. I've cut back on working out for now until we get our four walls into check this week and then next week I start training again to run longer distances. The plan for now is 2 short (2 miles?) runs a week and one long run (4+) miles. Our busy summer is barreling quickly toward us. I'm trying to prepare! Oh and sleep. Yeah... not getting much of that these days. I mean I do have a 7 month old and a 21 month old but yeah. I'm pretty pooped ;) More on my most recently successful cleanse later. That one gets its own post!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how you do it all. You're such an inspiration to me :D
